Deborah Hannah LCSW : Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Looking for more information or would like to get in touch? Please find my contact info to the right.
Most of us would agree that perception effects the ultimate outcome, that in the space that exists between people, sometimes problems arise. I utilize a cognitive behavioral “family systems” therapeutic approach. Based on the biology of human interaction, I view this interaction as circular, rather than linear. It is made up of much more than just cause and effect. Mental restructuring encourages recognizing the unique nuances that exist between each of us.

Client-centered behavioral modification successfully brings about positive changes to these thoughts and/or behaviors and how we choose to react to them.
Phone: 904-778-6237
Client FormClick here to download an initial client form. New clients If you are requesting an initial appointment please fill out this form along with a scan of the front and back of your insurance card and return by email. Upon receipt you will be contacted in order to schedule an appointment.